Need a refresh or replacement? Browse haircare parts, grooming accessories, shaver heads, guide combs, and more.
Need replacement parts for your REMINGTON® clipper or trimmer? Find combs, chargers, adapters, & accessories here. FREE shipping with a $50+ order.
15mm Guide Comb for the PG3160 Ultimate Precision Multigroomer
Handle Clip for BHT6455 ShortCut™ Pro Body Groomer | RP00732
Foil for the PG180 Groomer | RP00057
Trimmer for the PG180 Groomer | RP00058
Foil Head for the PG400 Groomer | RP00061
17mm Trimmer for the PG350 Groomer | RP00092
17mm Comb for the PG350 Groomer | RP00093
Foil Shaver for the PG350/360 Groomers | RP00095
20mm Trimmer Blade for the PG400 Groomer | RP00123
30mm Comb Attachment for the PG350 Groomer | RP00139
30mm Trimmer Attachment for the PG350 Groomer | RP00140
Rotary Trimmer for the PG350 Groomer | RP00141
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